Italy - design and construction of a new SHPP.

Project review
This SHPP is located close to Genga town in the Italian region of the Marche. This SHPP of derivation type is using hydro potential of the existing weir structure on the river Esino with the total output 680 kW.
The exploited river Esino is one of the major rivers of the Marche Region, interested along its course by many other hydropower plants, built since the first half of twentieth century both by national energy utilities and local private or public entities.
The turbines are horizontal tubular double regulated S-Kaplan type. SHPP Genga is fully automated and remote-operated. This SHPP includes complete reconstruction of the existing weir and construction of the new hydropower plant.
Provided services
As general contrator, HYDROPOL provided the site complex development, preparation of relevant studies, permitting, project design & engineering services and complete EPC delivery. HYDROPOL is responsible for maintenance and operation of the plant.
Main data
Country: | Italy |
Built (year): | new |
Output (kW): | 680 |
Head (m): | 6.5 |
Capacity (m3/s) | 14 |
Completion (year): | 2013 |